Graduate Studies in Canada/University of Saskatchewan

时间:2015-06-01 点击数:

报告题目 Graduate Studies in Canada/University of Saskatchewan
主 讲 人 Penny Skilnik & Yuguang Bai
报告时间 2015年6月5日(星期五)下午2点
报告地点 生命科学学院5楼报告厅
举办单位 生命科学学院
Ms. Penny Skilnik is the Director of Special Projects, College of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Dr. Yuguang Bai is an professor & department head of the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan. Prof. Yuguang Bai’s areas of research are grassland and forest ecology, seed and seedbed ecology & oilsands reclamation. Prof. Bai has published over 50 papers in famous ecology journals such as Environmental and Experimental Botany, Landscape Ecology, Annals of Botany.